Pre-School Area
A lovely welcoming and stimulating pre-school room, with access directly into a well stocked outdoor play area.

The children are able to build great relationships with peers and staff, boosting their self esteem and nurturing independence. Staff get to know the children well, with each child having a key person, to ensure their development journal is a true reflection of them.

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ABC cares and nurtures your child alongside an exciting programme of educational, fun activities to keep them challenged and interested in their environment. Staff observe the children’s interests, take note and plan to meet these needs plus extend on their current knowledge, to help your child develop through the early years foundation stage.

All achievements are then recorded in your child's personal learning journal, through tapestry online assessment system. As staff use iPads they are able to upload photos and videos, of your child at play, but don’t worry the file is protected and data stored according to data protection. Only you see your childs learning journal. The childcare provided is loaded with learning experiences and adaptable enough to be flexible if our learning should take a detour!

Children's development is recorded on their Tapestry Journal, by their key person, which parents can access daily.

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a child playing with a tent

Nurturing their wellbeing

  • ABC Has a strong emphasis on nurturing a child’s overall sense of mental health and wellbeing. We have activities, stories and physical play, to encourage children to talk about their feelings and share how they are feeling, staff model this through their own behaviour. Our staff team, recognise when a child is having a different kind of day, where they may need more emotional support than usual and give this accordingly.

Days full of fun

  • The pre-school children look after our Outdoor learning area & grow plants and vegetables to enjoy with their friends. They care for our pet Tobi tortoise, feeding her and collecting dandelion leaves.
  • The local area plays an important part of children’s learning, we borrow books from our local library, visit shops to buy ingredients for cookery sessions and find games and books in the local charity shops to enjoy. Our days are full and fun! We always take a camera with us; please visit our gallery to see what we have been doing!


Explore our vibrant and engaging learning environment

a child playing a child playing
a child playing a child playing a child playing
a child playing a child playing
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